
By sufragista - julho 18, 2018

A personagem do Harvey Keitel no filme Smoke (1995) de Wayne Wang, empregado de uma tabacaria numa esquina de Queens, NI, que fotografava todos os dias (religiosamente) essa mesma esquina, antes de abrir a loja.

"Wren: Well. You’re going too fast. You’re hardly even looking at the pictures.
Benjamin: But … they’re all the same.
Wren: They’re all the same, but each one is different from every other one. You’ve got your bright mornings; your fog mornings; you’ve got your summer light and your autumn light; you’ve got your week days and your weekends; you’ve got your people in overcoats and galoshes and you’ve got your people in t-shirts and shorts. Sometimes same people, sometimes different ones. Sometimes different ones become the same, and the same ones disappear. The earth revolves around the sun and every day the light from the sun hits the earth from a different angle.
Benjamin: Slow down, huh?
Wren: That’s what I recommend. You know it: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Time keeps its petty pace."

em Photography and Smoke por Stuart Peel
(a cena do filme aqui)

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